Blackberry Housings

(8520, 9000, 9700, 9780, 9800)

BB Curve 8520

8520 Full Housing
SGD 38

Includes: Front cover, Keypad, Battery cover, Free opening tools

Limegreen / Lavender / Red / Purple / Pink / Teal / Blue / Dark Pink


BB Bold 9000

9000 Full Housing
SGD 38

Includes: Front cover, Keypad, Battery cover, Free opening tools

Hotpink / Purple / Royal Blue / Baby Blue / Pink / Dark Pink / Orange / Red


BB Bold 9700/9780
*BB 9780 has the same exterior as BB 9700 hence the housings should fit both models.
Im personally an owner of BB 9700 hence wont be 100% sure.*

9700/9780 Textured Housing
Full Housing @ SGD 38
Half Housing @ SGD 35

Black / Royal Blue / Orange / Sky Blue / Purple / Red / Pink
Gold / Brown / Hotpink / Silver / Yellow / White

Example of Full Housing
Includes: Front cover, Midplate, Keypad, Battery cover, Free opening tools

Example of Half Housing
Includes: Front cover, Keypad, Battery cover, Free opening tools


BB Torch 9800

9800 Full Housing
SGD 48

Includes: Front cover, Keypad, Battery cover, Free opening tools

Red / Lavender / Limegreen / Yellow / Hotpink / Pink / Blue / Purple


How to install?

- Step by step tutorial
- Youtube videos

Click link below: